It's never easy planning a burial or cremation. That’s why so many families choose Valley Funeral Home in Nakusp to help with final arrangements. They know that our burial, cremation and funeral planning services will honour their traditions and cultural needs. We are here to help you every step of the way. It’s as simple and complex as that.
Call our funeral home in Nakusp for information on burial, cremation, obituaries or to ask other funeral planning questions
Give us a call at 250-265-4316 and we will be glad to answer any questions you might have about planning a funeral in the West Kootenay.
What services are provided at this Nakusp funeral home?
We offer the assistance of our compassionate funeral directors—specialized professionals trained and experienced in helping families cope with the death of a loved one. They make funeral arrangements in keeping with the family’s wishes. They also make arrangements for transporting the body and completing necessary legal paperwork, all while carrying out your choices regarding the funeral service and disposition of the body.
What purpose does a funeral serve?
A funeral is an opportunity to pay tribute to someone you love. For those who are left behind, a funeral provides a place for family and friends to gather and support one another. It is an opportunity to celebrate the life and accomplishments of a loved one, and a starting point from which the grief-healing process may begin.
Can I still have a funeral service in Nakusp if I choose cremation?
Absolutely. Cremation is not intended to replace a traditional funeral service. It is simply an alternative to a burial or entombment of the body of the deceased. You can still have a traditional funeral service in a church, chapel, home or other location that you and the family feel is appropriate.
Is it necessary to have a casket for cremation in Nakusp?
No, it is not necessary to have a casket, but it is necessary to have a container of some kind. It is provincial law.
There are also many cremation containers or caskets available that are inexpensive and functional. You may select what is most appropriate for you and your budget. Some people choose to rent a casket with an inner container. And, in that case, only the inner container is cremated.
How much does a funeral cost?
The cost of a funeral is really determined by you and your family. Some expenses are basic to every funeral. Many expenses, however, are determined by the selections that you make. The amount you spend on a funeral should always be balanced by what you or the estate can afford. Before making a decision on the funeral director and the type of service you want, ask for an itemized quotation. This will enable you to compare costs without emotion and help you choose services that you feel are essential.
What is the difference between funeral pre-planning and pre-arranging?
Pre-planning is the process of selecting your choices of funeral arrangements in advance and having them on file at a funeral home, in your will and/or with your family.
Pre-arranging involves pre-payment of some or all of the funeral arrangements that you choose.
Preplanning your funeral relieves your loved ones from the burden of having to make difficult decisions at an emotional and stressful time. It also lets you share your feelings and wishes about various aspects of your funeral service and what you would like to happen with your remains. It’s an easy way to record your personal wishes and minimize the numerous details that need to be attended to at the time of grieving.
What are the opening hours for Valley Funeral Home?
We are here for our clients 24/7.
Who is the owner of Valley Funeral Home?
Bill Clark
What payment options does Valley Funeral Home accept?
Interac, Visa, Mastercard, Cash, Cheque
Contact info
Address: 101 Nelson Ave N, Nakusp, BC V0G 1R0
Phone: 250-265-4316

Get in touch
101 Nelson Av Nakusp

Like a good neighbour, Valley Funeral Home is here to help you—every step of the way.