Are you dressed in outdoor apparel, fully equipped for the season by wearing sports clothing, running apparel and athletic gear? Sporting retail stores offer outdoor clothing, footwear, athletic gear and sporting equipment for all your outdoor recreationa

    Bia Boro Boutique

    680 Baker St Nelson V1L4J4

    Blue Sky Clothing Co

    511 Baker St Nelson V1L4J1


    488 Baker Nelson V1L4H8

    Gray Creek Store

    1979 Chainsaw Ave Gray Creek


    579 Baker St Nelson V1L4J1

    Kootenay Industrial Supply Ltd

    Tools, hydraulics and industrial equipment in Nelson and Castlegar

    323 Vernon St Nelson V1L4E3

    Kutenai Clothing Co Ltd

    327 Baker Nelson V1L4H6

    Lilikoi Clothing

    351 Baker St Nelson V1L4H6

    Snowpack Outdoor Experience Ltd

    333 Baker St Nelson V1L4H6

    Stutters Boutique

    551 Ward St Nelson V1L1T1


    568 Ward St Nelson V1L1S9